Rocalba Organic Rondo Pea

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Alchimia Grow Shop presents Rocalba Organic Rondo Pea Seeds, a low-bush plant with a medium-early cycle. It is a plant suitable for cultivation in open ground as well as in medium-large pots.

Rondo pea seeds, a resistant and productive variety

Rondo pea (Pisum sativum) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the leguminous family. It is a plant that grows vigorously, reaching up to 70cm. It is necessary to branch it with a mesh in order to offer an optimal development and an abundant yield.

This rustic plant needs very few nutrients. It is resistant with the capacity to fix the environmental N for nourishment. Even so, the use of soil with worm humus or compost can also benefit the plant by conditioning the soil, providing texture for good drainage and moisture retention.

It is a winter plant very easy to cultivate. It can be sown directly in open ground (soaking the seeds 4-5h previously) or germinate the seeds in a seedbed to be transplanted later in open ground. The ideal time to initiate its cultivation is mid-autumn.

Rocalba organic Rondo pea, 11cm beanstalks

In case of direct sowing, 2-4 seeds are placed at a 2-3cm depth. In separate groups at least 20-40cm between the groups, covered with uncompacted soil. It must be watered abundantly keeping always the substrate humid. It is recommended to use an automatic irrigation system to facilitate the cultivation task.

After 10-20 days from germination the first sprouts emerge. When the plant is about 25cm tall, a mesh with stakes must be placed to initiate branching providing guidance and support for vertical growth.

The plants produce 11cm beanstalks containing 10 peas in its interior. They are ready to be harvested after about 12-14 weeks from germination, which continue developing as they are collected. It continues a gradual growth as they get fatter, harvesting the peas along 5-6 months.

Rocalba Organic Rondo Pea Seeds info:

  • 30g seeds sachet
  • Robust and easy to cultivate – resistant to mild winters
  • Requires abundant water and few nutrients
  • Fix the environmental N
  • Germination: Autumn and winter (ideally December)
  • Can be cultivated by sowing directly in open ground
  • Soak the seeds 4-5h before previously
  • Requires 15-25ºC to develop
  • Suitable for both garden and pot
  • Requires mesh and tutors for branching
  • Size: 70cm
  • Sow in rows - 2-3 seed groups - 40-50cm between rows - 20-30cm between plants
  • Ready to harvest at 12-14 weeks – along 5-6 months

Properties of Rocalba Organic Rondo Pea

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