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Cannabinoids and their medicinal properties

In this post we show cannabinoids together with their known importance, and explain their main medicinal purposes. There are many strains of marijuana with different compositions of cannabinoids, choosing the most appropriate strain according to medicinal needs will be a lot easier with this guide to cannabinoids in marijuana.

Effects of marijuana

For many people, the therapeutical and benefitial effects of marijuana are beyound doubt. Delta9 tetrahydrocannabinol is the most renowned cannabinoid from the 61 that cannabis contains and, along with CBD, the most important in the marijuana world.

Types of cannabis oils

Marijuana extracts and concentrates are being increasingly used by the cannabis community in these days. In this post we tell you what are some of the different oils found and how are they made, from the most potent THC-rich BHO to medicinal oils made from CBD extracts and vegetable oils.

How cannabis can help during your period

Cannabis can be a very useful option to treat the typical symptoms of the menstrual cycle. In this article we tell you more about these symptoms and how cannabinoids and terpenes can relieve them. We'll also take a look at the important role played by estrogen during your period, and how it affects the way your body deals with cannabis.

What is Psilocybin and what are its effects?

After decades of neglect, psilocybin is nowadays the subject of dozens of studies and clinical trials all over the world, showing especially promising results in the treatment of conditions like depression or anxiety. In addition to its well-known properties in recreational or spiritual contexts, the news regarding its possible medicinal properties further adds to the interest to this compound.

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