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How to distinguish marijuana males from females

Cannabis plants can be male, female or hermaphrodite. Female plants are the producers of buds, which is the part of the plant richest in THC. It is especially important to detect the male plants in your crop, since if the female plants are not pollinated they produce much more THC, terpenes and overall yield. In this post we'll teach you how to distinguish between male and female plants.

Dr. Courtney's raw cannabis juice

Marihuana can be consumed as raw juice, using both buds and leafs. In this form, cannabinoids are in acid form, and so, they have no psychoactivity, so we can enjoy all their benefitial properties without side effects. In this post we introduce you Doctor William Courtney, user of raw cannabis juice, and his first patient with this treatment, Kristen Peskuski, who later on became his wife. We also tell you how to make this amazing raw marijuana juice, as well as some use and conservation tips.

Marijuana and hermaphroditism

Many growers have been surprised to have hermaphroditic cannabis plants in their crops. In this post we explain how to detect them and what to do in the event that a hermaphrodite plant appears in your crop, as well as what are the causes that usually accompany this hermaphroditism.

Origins and evolution of Moroccan hashish

Traditionally, and before people started to grow their own pot in Spain, Morocco had become the main source of hashish for most European countries. While hashish production in Morocco dates back only some decades, since the 60s it has become - along with Afghanistan - one of the major world producers of this cannabis resin concentrate. In this article we tell you more about the origins of Moroccan hashish and the evolution experienced during the past years.

Cannabis trends in the USA (2017)

In this article we present you some of the most sought-after cannabis genetics in American dispensaries. While some of them have sky-rocketed in popularity in Europe over the past years, others still remain unknown for the vast majority of the public, something that we're quite sure will soon change!

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