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Dr. Courtney's raw cannabis juice

Marihuana can be consumed as raw juice, using both buds and leafs. In this form, cannabinoids are in acid form, and so, they have no psychoactivity, so we can enjoy all their benefitial properties without side effects. In this post we introduce you Doctor William Courtney, user of raw cannabis juice, and his first patient with this treatment, Kristen Peskuski, who later on became his wife. We also tell you how to make this amazing raw marijuana juice, as well as some use and conservation tips.

Dutch Passion's Think Different auto

Dutch Passion presents here its new autoflowering strain Think Different, an excellent choice for anyone willing to try automatic genetics. European grower "Tang" tells us his feelings about it, explaining growing tips and some of the main features of this strain.

Ventilation for marijuana grow rooms

The ventilation system is one of the most imortant aspects in every indoor cannabis growing setup.
Which extractor do I need for my growing space? Are intractors and interior fans really needed? Do I need a cooltube? How can I reduce the noise generated by my ventilation system? Is there any way to eliminate odours? In this post you'll find the answers to all these questions, as well as several tips and advices...

Growing marijuana in grow tents

In this post we list all the factors you need to consider for growing marijuana in a growing tent. Lighting, ventilation (intraction and extraction), temperature and humidity, watering and fertilising, and preventive phytosanitary treatments.

Growing marijuana with energy saving lamps

In this post we show you the advantages of growing marijuana with energy saving bulbs. In addition to getting a proper supply, there are other very important factors that make this type of culture an alternative to take into account for those who have little space and want to avoid problems with high temperatures, as well as reducing the irrigation and electricity consumption needs.
You can also benefit from improved organoleptic qualities in your plants, resulting in better smell and taste.

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