Lactuca sativa or lettuce is, without a doubt, the star of salads around the world. Although its origin is not as clear as that of other plants, it is estimated that it was first cultivated about 2,500 years ago, already known by cultures such as the Romans, Greeks or Persians and enjoyed today throughout the planet in a multitude of different varieties.
Without a doubt, when we talk about lettuce we are talking about salads. It is, in all probability, the most used base ingredient in this type of dish, especially given the great diversity in textures, colors and shapes that its different varieties offer... there's a lettuce for every taste! In addition, lettuce is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, B9 and K and also in minerals such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium. Its amino acid content is also worthy of note.
Lettuce can withstand cold well, even better than hot conditions over 30ºC. For a correct development, a considerable temperature difference between day and night is ideal, preferring relatively high humidity levels, over 60%. It prefers well-drained, sandy/silty soils with a neutral pH. It especially appreciates automatic irrigation systems, as lettuces do not tolerate drought well. They are usually sown throughout the year, taking into account that they will need between 65-130 days to be ready for harvest.
Here you have our selection of lettuce seeds. As always, chosen with the greatest affection so that you can enjoy them both in the field and at the table, of course!