Search mexican sativa at Alchimia Grow Shop

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Characteristics of Sativa cannabis strains

Sativa varieties are characterized by their large size and long flowering period, as well as their special high, happy, creative, cerebral and especially psychedelic. Growing these varieties can be a bit complicated, especially indoors, although it is worth the effort when we see the results. Today we tell you everything you need to know before growing Sativa varieties.

Cannabis and Cinema

Here we present you a compilation of funny, cult and bizarre films, all dedicated to the world of cannabis. Especially for those who want to have a good time with a fat joint and good company.

Cannabis in the seventies, a decade of change

The 1970s is undoubtedly one of the most interesting decades in the recent history of cannabis. Despite the efforts of the authorities at the federal level, marijuana cultivation and consumption skyrocketed in the US during that decade, so as politicians and police launched a veritable war against the plant, the first hybrids were developed and hydroponic growing techniques began to be applied in indoor gardens, laying the foundations for the decades to come.

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