Batlle Organic Black Beauty Courgette

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  • Protect the planet presents Batlle Organic Black Beauty Courgette Seeds, an edible fruit plant that offers excellent results when cultivated in open ground in our vegetable patch or in 30cm diameter pots.

Organic Black Beauty courgette, a crawling plant with a voluminous appearance

Black Beauty courgette (Cucurbita pepo) is a crawling, sub-shrubby and compact plant belonging to the Cucurbitaceae family. It is native to Mesoamerica and southern US where it has been cultivated for thousands of years. It was introduced to Europe during Columbus travels.

It is a large plant with thick stems and very broad oval-shaped leaves that grow in all directions with a radial appearance. It grows up to 1m tall and about 1m in diameter. It produces yellow flowers that sprout from the courgette during spring and summer.

It is an annual plant with a life cycle of about 5 months. It is germinated at early May in direct sowing. 3 seeds are placed about 4cm deep in a 1m x 1m planting frame. Use a mixture of soil and worm humus, compost or manure which can be supplemented with a little bat guano.

Organic Black Beauty courgette, it requires a lot of sun and abundant nutrition

When cultivated in a seedbed, it can be germinated at early April. 2-3 seeds are placed 2cm deep. Seeds sprout after 8-10 days and when they have developed 3 true leaves or more they can be transplanted to open ground or the final pot.

It requires a lot of sunlight, a temperature of 20-30ºC (it does not develop well below 10ºC), good aeration, abundant nutrients and constant and moderate watering. It is highly recommended to install an automatic drip irrigation system to ensure its optimum development (95% of the plant is water).

It is highly recommended trellising to help vertical growth, thus improving performance and reducing pests and diseases risk. It produces a large quantity of courgettes during the whole life cycle and can be harvested when they reach 15-20cm. It is cut from the stem with a knife.

Batlle Organic Black Beauty Courgette info:

  • Sachet: 4g seeds
  • Ideal for cultivation both pot and vegetable patch
  • Planting frame: 100cm x 100cm
  • Germination: seedbed in early April or direct sowing in early May
  • Requires 8-10 hours of direct sunlight and 22-30ºC
  • Below 10ºC does not develop well
  • Requires abundant watering and nutrients
  • Germinates after 8-10 days
  • Transplanted when it has developed 3 real leaves
  • Trellising is recommended to minimise pests and increase yields
  • Courgettes should be harvested when they are 15-20cm long

Properties of Batlle Organic Black Beauty Courgette

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