Batlle Organic Rondo Pea

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  • Protect the planet presents Batlle Organic Rondo Pea Seeds, a low-shrub variety with a semi-early cycle that adapts to both open ground cultivation in the vegetable patch and in medium-large volume pots.

Batlle Rondo pea, a productive and very strong variety

Rondo pea (Pisum sativum) is an annual herbaceous plant belonging to the leguminous family. It has a vigorous development reaching up to 70cm. This requires trellising using a mesh in order for the plant to develop properly and provide a quality and abundant harvest.

It is a plant that does not require a lot of nutrients. It is very robust and resistant, with the ability to fix environmental nitrogen to nourish itself. Even so, it benefits from a loose substrate rich in worm humus or compost to provide optimum texture and a balanced drainage and moisture retention. Certainly an optimal condition to deliver its full potential.

It is a very easy to cultivate winter plant. It can be germinated in direct sowing in open ground in mid-autumn (soak the seeds 4-5h beforehand) or in a seedbed to produce seedlings and transplant them later to the vegetable patch.

Organic Rondo pea seeds, green pods about 11cm long

In direct sowing we place 2-4 seeds 3-5cm deep, with a minimum spacing of 20-40cm between plants. They are then covered without compacting the soil and watered abundantly, keeping the substrate moist at all times. The installation of an automatic irrigation system makes this task much easier.

After about 10-20 days the first seedlings emerge. When the young plant reaches a height of about 25cm, a mesh with stakes is installed to guide the plant so that it becomes entangled in it, thus promoting its vertical development.

This plant produces pods up to 11cm long with 10 beans in each one. It is ready to harvest in about 12-14 weeks after sowing. New pods continue to develop as the mature ones are harvested. The plant will provide pods during its 5-6 month life cycle.

Batlle Organic Rondo Pea Seeds info:

  • Sachet: 20g of seeds
  • Robust and easy to cultivate
  • Tolerates mild winters well
  • Requires abundant water, not very demanding on nutrients
  • Fixes environmental nitrogen
  • Germination: between autumn and winter (ideally December)
  • Sowing: direct sowing or seedbed
  • Ideally soak seeds 4-5h before sowing
  • Requires between 15-25ºC for good development
  • Suitable for both vegetable patch and pot cultivation
  • Requires netting and stakes for vertical growth
  • Up to 70cm
  • Sow in three staggered rows, spacing rows 40-50cm apart and plants 20-30cm apart
  • Harvest: at 12-14 weeks, for 5-6 months

Properties of Batlle Organic Rondo Pea

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