Aubergine Seeds

The Aubergine is a vegetable from the Solanaceae family. It is native to Southeast Asia and widely cultivated throughout the world. It offers a delicious flavour and culinary versatility. Aubergines are relatively easy to grow and, with proper care, can produce a bumper cultivation all summer long.

Aubergines cultivation

It is important to make sure you have a suitable place to plant the aubergines. They require well-drained and fertile soil and a sun exposure of 6-8 hours. Ideally, the place should be protected from the wind. It is advisable to prepare the soil by deep tillage and add organic fertiliser before sowing.

Aubergine seeds can be germinated directly in the soil, although they are usually germinated in seedbeds at a 0.5-1.0cm deep. They take about 15 days to germinate. Once germinated, the seedlings should be kept moist and protected from frost. Seedlings are transplanted when they have 4-6 leaves, with a separation of about 45-60cm between plants.

They have high watering requirements, especially during growth and fruit stage. Do not let the soil dry out completely or make the soil waterlogged.

Aubergines are prone to pests such as red spider mites and whiteflies. Also are prone to fungal attacks. It is important to keep the plants well-ventilated and free of weeds to prevent it.

Aubergines are ready to harvest when they reach the correct size, depending on the variety. The harvest is usually done with the fruit still immature and depending on the colour or touch.

Aubergine auxiliary cultivation

To obtain a good aubergines harvest, it is important to plant them together with auxiliary cultivations that complement and protect them from pests and diseases.

Some popular choices for this, include garlic, cabbage, endive, lettuce, potato, leek, radish and bean. Also, rosemary, basil and oregano near the aubergines can help repel pests and improve the fruits flavour. In addition, some flowers such as marigolds, can help attract beneficial insects that can help pollinate the aubergines and control pests.

It is advisable not to cultivate aubergine with cucumbers or courgettes.

Latest in Aubergine Seeds


Bianca Oval Aubergine

Alchimia presents Kokopelli Bianca Oval Aubergine, a distinctive variety with white ovoid fruits that turn yellow when ripe. Suitable for pot cultivation. It is ap [...]

  • 30 seeds 3.40€

Buy Aubergine Seeds

13 products Filter tune

Les Refardes White Aubergine

Solanum melongena L. Origin: Manresa, Bages, Barcelona It is a variety of aubergine that produces white and rounded fruit [...]

  • ± 50 seeds 3.75€

Long Black Aubergine

Solanum melongena L Origin: Puig de la Bauma, Mura (Bages), Barcelona A very vigorous plant producing black and elongated fruits, hanging [...]

  • ± 50 seeds 3.75€

Batlle Organic Long Purple Aubergine presents Batlle Organic Long Purple Aubergine Seeds, a variety that is successfully cultivated both in [...]

  • 0.18g (Out of stock) 1.60€

Japanese Pickling Aubergine

The Japanese Pickling Aubergine, also known as nasu no asazuke in Japanese, is an aubergine native to Japan. It is used in pickles, and is delicious grill [...]

  • 30 seeds (Out of stock) 3.40€

Dewako One Bite Aubergine

Dewako One Bite Aubergine is a variety of Japanese origin (Dewako, Yamagata, Japan), It owes the name to the small size that makes it possible to eat it in [...]

  • 30 seeds (Out of stock) 3.40€

Sfumata Di Rosa Aubergine

Sfumata di Rosa is an aubergine native to the Campania region in Italy. It is a medium-large size aubergine with an oval shape and slightly flattened at both ends. [...]

  • 30 seeds (Out of stock) 3.40€

Thai White Ribbed Aubergine

Kokopelli Association presents the ancient Thai White Ribbed Aubergine, a Thai variety recovered before 1812 by Thomas Jefferson (Monticello Kitchen Garden). This aubergine [...]

  • 30 seeds 3.40€

Chinese White Sword Aubergine - Kokopelli

Kokopelli Association presents the Chinese White Sword Aubergine seeds. A variety characterised by elongated and white fruits, with sweet flavour and smooth textur [...]

  • 30 seeds (Out of stock) 3.40€

Kokopelli Imperial Black Beauty Aubergine

Imperial Black Beauty Aubergines are a tasty and attractive variety to cultivate in your garden and enjoy their delicious purple colour and tender texture. Follow the cultivation t [...]

  • 30 seeds 3.40€

Chinese Bitter Aubergine - Kokopelli

Alchimia presents the Chinese Bitter Aubergine, Solanum aethiopicum acuelatum. It is an ancient variety that produces small, round, ribbed fruits of about [...]

  • 30 seeds (Out of stock) 3.40€

Bangladeshi Long Aubergine - Kokopelli

Alchimia presents Kokopelli Bangladeshi Long Aubergine, and exceptional variety originally from Bangladesh. It is noted for its high productivity [...]

  • 30 seeds 3.40€

Bianca Oval Aubergine

Alchimia presents Kokopelli Bianca Oval Aubergine, a distinctive variety with white ovoid fruits that turn yellow when ripe. Suitable for pot cultivation. It is ap [...]

  • 30 seeds 3.40€
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