Alchimia Grow Shop News

In this section you'll find all the news related to Alchimia Grow Shop, from new products to things of our interest. Come in and join us!!

ZmoothieZ, cannabis strains with delicious aromas

ZmoothieZ, cannabis strains with delicious aromas

Today we are going to present you a new bank of feminized seeds that in recent times has seen its popularity increase considerably thanks to the quality of its varieties, ZmoothieZ. And at ZmoothieZ, quality is not just a goal, it is a philosophy and a way of life. This company is dedicated to delivering the best cannabis genetics, driven by deep passion and an unwavering commitment to extensive research and quality testing.

Discover with us who is behind this bank, what is their way of working and, above all, which of their genetics we especially recommend, whether for their quality, production, speed, or ease of cultivation. Everything you need to know about ZmoothieZ you will find in this article!

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The High Chameleon, artisanal cannabis seeds

The High Chameleon, artisanal cannabis seeds

In our constant effort to find new seed banks with which to expand our offer and be able to offer you new and attractive hybrids, we often find real surprises, as is the case of the bank that concerns us today, The High Chameleon.

In this article, we are going to dive into the world of this unique seed bank and discover what makes it so special. From its wide range of varieties to its focus on quality and innovation, we assure you that this bank will not leave any cannabis fan indifferent. So sit back, light up a nice joint, and get ready to explore the fascinating world of The High Chameleon with Alchimia. Let's go!

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Black Farm, power and quality made in Spain

Black Farm, power and quality made in Spain

As you already know if you are a follower of our Blog, at Alchimia we are constantly looking for new seed banks to expand our offer of cannabis varieties, and this season is no exception. Well, after introducing you to new banks such as Growers ChoiceBotafarm Genetics, or Lit Farms, today it is the turn of Black Farm Genetix, a seed bank based very close to Barcelona that is causing a sensation among all types of growers for the quality of their varieties and the great results they offer.

If you are one of those who are always looking for new and powerful varieties, you are going to love what they are doing at Black Farm. These guys are combining the best of the best to bring you seeds that not only promise great yields but also traits highly appreciated by growers such as pest resistance or ease of cultivation. From compact, resinous flowers to terpene profiles that will make your senses go wild, this seed bank is here to redefine your expectations. We'll tell you more below!

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Growers Choice, unmatched power and performance

Growers Choice, unmatched power and performance

Have you heard of Grower's Choice seed bank? If you haven't, you're missing something big. These guys are masters of the art of creating cannabis strains that will blow your mind. How do they do that? Well, imagine a team of cannabis genetics experts working with great passion to combine the best characteristics of different strains and create something completely new and exciting. That's what Grower's Choice does. They are like cannabis alchemists, turning seeds into green gold.

And don't think that they are satisfied with the basics, no sir. These guys specialize in feminized hybrids from the best American genetics, meaning that every seed you plant has the potential to grow into a female plant full of stunning buds. From the most exquisite flavors to the most potent effects, Grower's Choice doesn't skimp on anything when it comes to giving you the best growing experience possible. Ready to dive into the world of Grower's Choice and discover what wonders they have to offer? So get ready and read on!

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Lit Farms, the best combination of American genetics

Lit Farms, the best combination of American genetics

With the spectacular rise of the cannabis market in North America, in recent years numerous seed banks have emerged that offer unique and high-quality varieties, most of them based on USA genetics, developed in the United States. Among all of them, LIT Farms (Lost in Translation Farms) stands out, a seed bank that, in addition to several cups at prestigious events, has gained recognition for its innovative approach and commitment to excellence in cannabis breeding.

In today's article, we invite you to learn more about the history of LIT Farms, its most notable varieties, and how they have contributed to the landscape of cannabis cultivation first in the United States and now in Europe and the rest of the world.

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Hardcore Gelato and AmnesiaZ by Philosopher Seeds, two champions within your reach

Hardcore Gelato and AmnesiaZ by Philosopher Seeds, two champions within your reach
Hardcore Gelato - Philosopher seeds

We recently introduced you to several new releases from Philosopher Seeds, such as Chiquita MilkshakeRainbow Runtz, and Frozen Fuel, in a post where we already hinted that perhaps Philosopher had some more surprises in store for the start of this new growing season. Well, today we present two new additions to the catalog of this seed bank that have everything to become future successes.

We are talking about Hardcore Gelato and AmnesiaZ, two new genetics that Philosopher has been working on for some time now and that are finally coming to light in feminized format for the enjoyment of all those fans of intense, complex flavors with personality...and, of course, accompanied by an effect that is as powerful as it is pleasant. Discover with us all the secrets of these two new cannabis gems!

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Women in Alchimia, let's grow equality

Women in Alchimia, let's grow equality
Let's grow equality

In recent years, we have witnessed progress towards equality that, while not yet full, is indispensable. This progress has particularly impacted a generation that has begun to question behaviors and norms that were once considered "normal" but were in fact unjust and inequitable. The violet spectacles of social consciousness do not by themselves transform the world, but they allow us to perceive more clearly the need for change. Now, at least, we are aware of the urgency to act.

The working environment, where we spend most of our time, has also undergone major changes in recent times and we are very fortunate to live in a country that is a pioneer in laws promoting equality in the workplace. It is in this environment, especially in our own company and, by extension, in the cannabis sector that we would like to focus on this year.

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Philosopher Seeds new strains (2024)

Philosopher Seeds new strains (2024)

In the world of breeding new cannabis varieties, research to find new flavors and effects or improve existing genetics never stops. Aware of this, Philosopher Seeds has already presented 3 new top-level varieties for 2024 that you can now get in our online store so that you can start the new season in style and with the security of having the best quality buds when you finish. the cultivation.

From the explosive power of Frozen Fuel to the creamy sweetness of Chiquita Milkshake to the spectacular fruity flavor of Rainbow Runtz, these new genetics promise to delight the most demanding enthusiasts with a unique and memorable experience. In this article, we will explore each of these varieties in detail, from their flavor and aroma profiles to their effects and main growing characteristics that you should know. Discover the new gems that Philosopher Seeds has prepared for this season with us!

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Botafarm Genetics, a story of passion for cannabis

Botafarm Genetics, a story of passion for cannabis

In a curious cross between French cannabis tradition and American innovation, a cannabis seed bank arises born from a true passion for the plant: Botafarm Genetics. Originally from France but based in Los Angeles (California), today we want to tell you the story of Jay R., leader of Botafarm and truly passionate about breeding cutting-edge hybrids.

This bank, of European origin but which has decided to move to the epicenter of the cannabis revolution in California, merges the best of both worlds. Specializing in creating exceptional hybrids, Botafarm Genetics not only embraces the most cutting-edge techniques but also pays homage to classic genetics. Today we invite you to explore the legacy and innovation of this seed bank, what its origins are, and what type of varieties you can expect from its catalog.

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Cannabis gift ideas for Christmas 2024

Cannabis gift ideas for Christmas 2024

A gift for every family member on Father Christmas Day, the Secret Santa at work or in your sports group, the Three Wise Men or the Catalan Tió, a gift for that good friend, or the one who gave you one last year and this year is waiting for the gift back. If you are one of those people who find it tricky to buy gifts for people who don't really need anything, but are hoping for the best possible gift, this is for you.

We offer you our help to find the perfect gift, wherever you are from, whoever you are giving the gift to and whatever your budget. Like a fish following the stream, trust us. We present it in detail, grouping the products in sections that cover all the possibilities. All you need to do is scroll down and add the product to the shopping cart. Easy, isn't it? Then let's get started:

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Xuxes CBD, CBD flowers and resins

Xuxes CBD, CBD flowers and resins

One of the most recent additions to our CBD Shop has been the Barcelona brand Xuxes CBD, which presents its collection of flowers and resin concentrates rich in CBD and of exceptional quality. It is a young and dynamic company, with modern and very colorful designs and a philosophy of urban life that supports other disciplines such as art, culture, or sports.

Today we invite you to discover some of their products, both CBD buds and different types of hashish, of course with a high content of this cannabinoid. As you can see, Xuxes CBD offers you an excellent variety of flowers, all of them rich in CBD but with differentiated organoleptic qualities, so you can find your favorite in its collection. And the same goes for their resins, all of them made with artisanal methods and, of course, 100% organic material.

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Nasha Genetics, balance between tradition and technology

Nasha Genetics, balance between tradition and technology

Today we want to invite you to learn more about a seed bank with roots in Spain whose results speak for themselves, Nasha Genetics. With a journey that dates back to its beginnings in India two decades ago, Nasha Genetics fuses the ancestral passion for our plant with the avant-garde experience of California and its large legal crops.

This marriage of opposite worlds gives rise to a shared vision: to offer the market the most exclusive and exotic strains, where the quality of the origins is intertwined with outstanding collaborations within the highest level cannabis industry. Join us on this journey where we will explore the legacy and philosophy of this bank, and we will see some of the genetics that distinguish Nasha Genetics as one of the companies to take into account in the current cannabis panorama.

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Apple Fritter by Philosopher Seeds

Apple Fritter by Philosopher Seeds

Philosopher Seeds has recently presented a new addition to its catalog of Limited Edition feminized seeds, a truly exceptional variety: Apple Fritter. This genetics, known for its astounding production of sticky trichomes and dense flowers, has captivated a whole legion of growers who never cease to be surprised by its spectacular results.

In this article, we will explore in depth the magic behind Apple Fritter from Philosopher Seeds, from its genetic lineage to its most notable characteristics, including of course its potential benefits. A plant that, without a doubt, will give you a lot to talk about in the coming years thanks to the wonderful results it offers and its ease of cultivation, which make it a fantastic candidate to occupy a place of honor in your garden whether you are a novice grower or a professional.

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Exotic Genetix, excellence and top genetics

Exotic Genetix, excellence and top genetics

Without a doubt, Exotic Genetix is one of the American seed banks with the best reputation in the global cannabis seed market. Their trajectory, the passion with which they work, and, of course, the great quality offered by their varieties have helped them to be at the top of the American sector, being one of the most popular banks outside of American lands.

At Alchimia we are very happy to have finally incorporated Exotic Genetix into our catalog, because as you can see it is an almost inexhaustible source of excellent genetics, whether you are interested in breeding, resin extractions, or simply want to grow some flowers of the best possible quality. Welcome to the wonderful world of Exotic Genetix!

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Mephisto Genetics, high-quality automatic genetics

Mephisto Genetics, high-quality automatic genetics

In a corner of the United Kingdom, in 2012, a cannabis seed bank was born that would forever change the game of breeding quality genetics in British lands, although it did not take long to become known in other areas of Europe and America. This seed company, known as Mephisto Genetics and one of the most recent additions to the Alchimia catalog, has left an indelible mark on the British cannabis industry with its innovative approach and tireless dedication to creating elite automatic genetics.

Today we want to immerse ourselves with you in the fascinating world of Mephisto Genetics, exploring its history, its breeding philosophy, and the iconic strains that have catapulted this bank to the global forefront of autoflowering cannabis genetics. From their commitment to quality to their passionate community of growers, discover how Mephisto Genetics is cultivating the future of cannabis and setting a gold standard in the world of cannabis seeds.

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Philosopher Seeds presents: Mandarin Cookies, Pure Michigan and Critical Auto XXL

Philosopher Seeds presents: Mandarin Cookies, Pure Michigan and Critical Auto XXL

Philosopher Seeds expands its catalog with 2 Limited Edition feminized varieties and a great classic in XXL-sized auto-flowering format, without a doubt one of the most demanded and sold varieties in history.

Philosopher couldn't wait for the 2024 season and proudly launches 2 new photoperiod hybrids with high terpene and THC content so that growers can take advantage of the start of the indoor season with fresh and exclusive smoke, and also a classic variety in an auto version (XXL size) for lovers of classic genetics and that also offers spectacular results in indoor crops. Let's see what news they bring us from Philosopher Seeds!

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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