Cannabinoids and terpenes

Cannabinoids and terpenes are molecules produced by the cannabis plant which are synthesized and stored inside the glandular trichomes. While cannabinoids are responsible for the effects of this plant on your body, terpenes are aromatic molecules which give each plant its characteristic smell and taste, also modulating the effects of cannabinoids. In this category you'll find articles about the different cannabinoids and terpenes found in the cannabis plant, essential compounds to explain the unique flavour and effect of each individual.

CBG9, a cannabinoid with promising properties

CBG9, a cannabinoid with promising properties

As you may know, if you are a regular reader of our Blog, the world of cannabis is constantly evolving and new cannabinoids are discovered every day that expand our knowledge about the plant and its therapeutic possibilities. One of the most recent to attract attention has been CBG9, a compound that promises to revolutionize the cannabis industry. In this article, we will explore what CBG9 is, how it differs from other more well-known cannabinoids such as THC and CBD, and its main potential benefits and applications.

From its discovery to its production and potential effects on the body, we invite you to discover everything you need to know about this promising cannabis compound. We will also discuss current scientific research on CBG9 and how it could be integrated into future medical treatments.

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THC-JD or Tetrahydrocannabioctyl

THC-JD or Tetrahydrocannabioctyl

Scientific research on the different cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant does not stop, and new compounds are being discovered and studied continuously, each with its characteristics and potential benefits. One of these emerging compounds is THC-JD, also known as Tetrahydrocannabioctyl. This relatively unknown cannabinoid is beginning to attract the attention of researchers and plant enthusiasts for its potential unique effects and medicinal applications.

THC-JD, unlike its more famous relatives such as THC and CBD, is found in much lower concentrations in the cannabis plant. However, its chemical properties and therapeutic potential have sparked great interest in the scientific community. Early studies suggest that THC-JD could have more potent and specific effects, offering new opportunities for the treatment of various medical conditions.

This article will explore in depth what THC-JD is, how it differs from other cannabinoids, its potential benefits and effects, and what its discovery could mean for the future of medicinal and recreational cannabis. As we advance our understanding of cannabinoids, THC-JD could play a key role in developing new treatments and expanding knowledge about cannabis use.

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Cannabis Tests: What do cannabinoid and terpene percentages mean?

Cannabis Tests: What do cannabinoid and terpene percentages mean?

Have you ever wondered what those numbers you see on the labels of your favorite cannabis strains really mean? What exactly does it mean that a genetic has more or less % of a compound such as THC or CBD? Those cannabinoid and terpene percentages aren't just random numbers; In reality, they are like the DNA of your weed, and today we are going to tell you why!

When you choose a strain with high levels of certain cannabinoids or terpenes, you are making a decision about what type of experience you expect, whether in terms of psychoactive effect or the taste and aroma of the buds you will harvest. Whether you're looking for a euphoric high or a more relaxing effect, those numbers help you find the perfect weed for the perfect moment. Well, today we're telling you what these numbers mean and what you can expect from them, so next time you're faced with a list of percentages, you'll know exactly what to expect when you roll your joint!

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What is anandamide?

What is anandamide?

In the complex framework of human biology, anandamide is presented as a key piece of our body, awakening the curiosity of scientists and doctors alike. Discovered in the last decade of the last century, this endogenous neurotransmitter molecule has awakened a vast field of study due to its amazing effects on the body and mind, which we will see in detail in today's article.

From its ability to regulate mood and stress to its role in pain perception and appetite, anandamide appears to have a multifaceted reach in our biology, and in areas of no small importance precisely. Today we want to invite you to discover everything you need to know about this interesting molecule, exploring its origins, functions, and potential impact on our understanding of health and well-being, as well as of course its relationship with cannabis and phytocannabinoids.

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Humulene, a terpene with many fans

Humulene, a terpene with many fans

What is Humulene?

  • Name: Humulene, alpha-caryophyllene, alpha-humulene
  • Formula: C15 H24
  • IUPAC Name: 2,6,6,9-Tetramethyl-1,4-8-cycloundecatriene
  • Molar mass: 204.35 g/mol
  • Boiling point: 106 °C (379 K)
  • Presence at room temperature: Clear, pale, greenish-yellow liquid

Cannabis plants are known throughout the world for their intense aroma, produced by the terpenes secreted in their glandular trichomes. Today we are going to talk about humulene, a monocyclic sesquiterpene with a very particular aroma and flavor that has a wide range of potential therapeutic benefits.

Often associated with its presence in hops, as it was first isolated from this plant (Humulus lupulus), this compound not only contributes to the characteristic aroma of many cannabis varieties but has also attracted the attention of researchers and patients due to its possible health effects. Join us and discover how humulene is produced, what its aroma and properties are, and which genetics tend to have a higher content of this unique sesquiterpenoid.

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CBD (cannabidiol), the main non-psychoactive compound in cannabis

CBD (cannabidiol), the main non-psychoactive compound in cannabis

Over the last few years, and at a level that has crossed the borders of the cannabis world, a molecule has emerged as a phenomenon worthy of attention: cannabidiol or CBD. Extracted from the cannabis plant, CBD has unleashed a revolution in the field of health thanks to its properties and its promising therapeutic potential, something that continues to be demonstrated study after study.

In this article we invite you to learn more about CBD, exploring its fundamental characteristics and delving into the various applications that have sparked the interest of doctors, researchers, and patients alike. From its non-psychoactive properties to its role in alleviating various ailments, we will unravel the layers of CBD, shedding light on its impact in the medicinal field and its role in improving overall well-being. Without a doubt, the best-known cannabinoid, along with THC, of the dozens of compounds produced by cannabis!

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THC-COOH: The revealing metabolite of cannabis consumption

THC-COOH: The revealing metabolite of cannabis consumption

In the universe of cannabis-related compounds, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is widely known as the main responsible for the psychoactive effects that make this plant so iconic. However, in science and in cannabis consumption detection analyses, another compound takes center stage: THC-COOH (11-nor-9-carboxy-THC). This metabolite is a key indicator that reveals a user's exposure to cannabis and has become an invaluable tool in medicine, toxicology, and law enforcement.

In this article, we will explore the role of THC-COOH in depth, from how it is formed in the body after cannabis use, to its importance in drug testing and its persistence in the body. We will discover how this metabolite has influenced drug policies and played a crucial role in decision-making in the medical and legal fields. Join us on a journey of knowledge about one of the most discussed and debated compounds in the world of cannabis and science.

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Full Spectrum Oil: ¿What is FSO?

Full Spectrum Oil: ¿What is FSO?

In the world of health and wellness, CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid present in the cannabis plant, has gained notable prominence in recent years thanks to numerous studies, clinical trials, and patient testimonials. This compound has become the star ingredient in a wide range of products, from oils to creams and capsules. But what distinguishes the so-called Full Spectrum oils is that they are enriched not only with CBD but also with other cannabinoids and terpenes. And all this without exceeding the legal limit of THC, the main psychoactive component of cannabis.

Today we are going to explore this exciting world of full-spectrum oils or FSOs, and discover how these products offer a versatile and potentially beneficial alternative for those looking to experience the therapeutic effects of cannabis without the psychoactive side effects. We will also take a look at possible medical applications, their effects on health, and how they can be integrated into daily routines to improve overall well-being. Join us on this journey towards the discovery of a world of possibilities "without THC", but with all the benefits that cannabis offers us.

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Cannabinoids in non-cannabis plants

Cannabinoids in non-cannabis plants

For decades, cannabinoids had been considered unique to the cannabis plant, known for their association with recreational and medical cannabis. However, in a surprising turn of events, science has recently revealed a fascinating discovery: the existence of non-cannabis plants that produce cannabinoids.

These cannabinoids, chemical compounds with unique properties and therapeutic potential, have been found in a variety of plants not previously associated with these substances. This discovery has puzzled scientists and has opened a new window of research, challenging traditional perceptions about the distribution of cannabinoids in the plant kingdom.

In this article, we'll dive into the exciting world of these "non-cannabis plants" that produce cannabinoids, exploring the most notable findings and ongoing studies that are shedding light on this intriguing phenomenon.

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H4CBD: the new synthetic cannabinoid

H4CBD: the new synthetic cannabinoid

What is H4CBD?

  • Name: Hexahydrocannabidiol
  • Formula: C21H34O2
  • IUPAC name: 2-(2-isopropyl-5-methylcyclohexyl)-5-pentylbenzene-1,3-diol
  • Molecular mass: 318.501 g·mol−1
  • Melting point: unknown
  • Boiling point: unknown

Research in the world of cannabis and its compounds does not stop; Recently, we have told you in our Blog about a new synthetic cannabinoid called HHC or hexahydrocannabinol, which is a hydrogenated form of THC, in other words, a THC molecule to which hydrogen atoms have been added and changed its structure.

Well, today we present a new compound also obtained in the laboratory through the hydrogenation process, although in this case CBD or cannabidiol has been taken as the base cannabinoid. Yes, we are talking about H4CBD or hexahydrocannabidiol, a new form of the famous CBD that has entered the market with force and that we will study in detail today.

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Neospectra by Valenveras: a portable terpene and cannabinoid tester

Neospectra by Valenveras: a portable terpene and cannabinoid tester

The growing cannabis industry requires innovative solutions to analyze and understand the complex composition of cannabinoids and terpenes in plants. Valenveras, a pioneering Catalan company, in collaboration with Si-ware, an Egyptian-American company, has created a revolution in cannabis testing by developing predictive models of terpenes and cannabinoids for a portable device with NIR technology (near-infrared spectroscopy). This approach allows professional analysis of these compounds to be performed quickly, accurately, and affordably. In this article, we will delve into the features and benefits of this innovative system, and how it is changing the cannabis testing landscape.

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THC microdoses, an upward consumption trend

THC microdoses, an upward consumption trend

In recent years, the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes has gained increasing popularity and acceptance in different parts of the world. Cannabis, also known as marijuana, contains chemical compounds called cannabinoids, which interact with the endocannabinoid system in the human body to produce various therapeutic effects.

Although its use is still subject to regulation and restrictions in many places, scientific evidence suggests that medical cannabis may be beneficial for treating a wide variety of medical conditions, from chronic pain and inflammation to epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of medical cannabis, from its history and current use to its therapeutic effects and potential risks.

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THCV, a promising non-psychoactive cannabinoid

THCV, a promising non-psychoactive cannabinoid

The cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is one of the chemical components found in the cannabis plant. Although less well known than THC, the main and most popular of the psychoactive cannabinoids, THCV has been the subject of research in recent decades for its potential medical benefits. In this article, we invite you to explore in depth what THCV is, how it works in the human body, and what its potential health benefits are.

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What is caryophyllene?

  • Name: Caryophyllene, β-Caryophyllene
  • Formula: C15H24
  • IUPAC name: 4,11,11-trimethyl-8-methylene-bicyclo[7.2.0]undec-4-ene
  • Molecular mass: 204.36 g/mol
  • Boiling point: 130°C (403K)
  • Vaporization temperature: 199ºC

First synthesized in the laboratory in 1964 by EJ Corey, caryophyllene (also called β-caryophyllene) is a bicyclic sesquiterpene found in various plants, including basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano, hops, pepper, and, of course, also in cannabis. It is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and research has been focusing on it in relation to various health benefits.

In fact, caryophyllene is one of the most common terpenes found in marijuana, along with other terpenes like limonene, linalool, and pinene. As you probably already know, terpenes are volatile compounds found in the trichome glands of cannabis, responsible for the aroma and flavor of the plant. Let's delve a little into the properties and effects of this interesting compound!

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The different types of THC

The different types of THC

As you probably know, THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the main psychoactive substance present in cannabis. Yes, among the more than 100 phytocannabinoids identified in this plant, THC is, by far, the one with the greatest presence as a psychotropic component. Although this compound has a series of more than interesting medicinal properties, its medicinal aspect has always been in the shadow of its psychoactive capacity, a capacity that historically has not exactly played in its favor in legislative matters.

However, THC has different types called isomers or analogs; For example, the THC we usually talk about is the isomer called Delta-9 THC, although other similar names may sound familiar to you, such as Delta-8 THC or Delta-10 THC, even THCV or THCP. In this article, we are going to talk about the main types of THC that you can find in your cannabis and see its main characteristics and effects.

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HHC or Hexahydrocannabinol

HHC or Hexahydrocannabinol

What is HHC or hexahydrocannabinol?

  • Name: Hexahydrocannabinol
  • Formula: C21H32O2
  • IUPAC name: (6aR,10aR)-6,6,9-trimethyl-3-pentyl-6a,7,8,9,10,10a-hexahydrobenzo[c]chromen-1-ol
  • Molecular mass: 316.485 g·mol−1
  • Melting point: 560.44K
  • Boiling point: 837.1K

Recently, a new cannabinoid that until recently had not been heard of has started making headlines in the cannabis press. This is HHC or hexahydrocannabinol, a compound with properties similar to those of Delta-9 THC and Delta-8 THC that is seeing its popularity skyrocket thanks precisely to the effect it causes, which is somewhat softer than that of its THC analogue.

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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