When to harvest marijuana plants?

The cannabis harvest is one of the most anticipated and rewarding moments for growers of this plant, the culmination of months of dedication, care, and patience, which culminates in the harvesting of the fruits of hard work. In this process, growers have the opportunity to harvest and enjoy a preview of the aromatic terpene combinations that await them.

In this article, we will focus on the cannabis harvesting process, from pre-preparation to the different possible methods to establish the perfect moment to cut your plants and obtain a superior quality harvest. Join us and discover the secrets to obtaining the best results from your own cultivation!

Knowing the optimal time to harvest is essential to obtain the best quality buds
Knowing the optimal time to harvest is essential to obtain the best quality buds

Harvest marijuana

The big question that many growers ask when harvest time comes is: When should I cut my cannabis plants? It is a question that can have multiple answers, depending on the conditions of our cultivation, the state of maturity of the plants, and also our personal preferences regarding the type of effect we want.

Indeed, we normally talk about a "harvest window", a period of a few days in which the plant is ready for harvest. Take, for example, a variety like Chiquita Banana from Philosopher Seeds, which is usually harvested after about 8-9 weeks of flowering. Well, we would have a week window between days 56 and 63 of flowering; If harvested earlier, the effect achieved will be more stimulating and cerebral, while the later we harvest, the more relaxing it will acquire.

To know if a plant is about to harvest we will take into account different factors, although as you will see the main one to take into account will be the state and color of the glandular trichomes.


Recommendations from the Seed Bank

Normally, when we buy a package of seeds the producer will recommend an approximate harvest date or an approximate duration of the flowering phase, which will serve as a first reference to be attentive when the time to harvest approaches. This recommendation, although important, is not a fixed fact since it can change depending on the latitude in outdoor cultivation or according to the environmental conditions in the case of indoor cultivation.

The color of the pistils

One of the most visible - but potentially ambiguous - indications of flower maturity can be the color of the pistils. These "hairs" will tend to turn brown as the shoots mature, so when we see that more than half of them are orange/brown, it means that harvest time could be near. As a general rule, if we harvest the plants at this time, their effect will be more psychoactive, while if we wait and harvest when all the pistils are brown, their effect will be more narcotic.

 Be careful: relying on the color of the pistils to harvest can be misleading in many cases
 Be careful: relying on the color of the pistils to harvest can be misleading in many cases

However, this method can be misleading and is not the most reliable way to verify maturity. This is because pistils can turn brown for a number of unrelated reasons, for example rain, periods of drought, or strong, dry wind, as well as foliar application of certain plant protection products or after pollination, all of which can alter the appearance of the pistils long before harvest time. Conversely, some varieties will continue to produce white pistils even though all the trichomes are amber and the plant is ready to harvest.

For this reason, we always recommend using a hand-held magnifying glass or microscope to accurately verify trichome maturity, as will be explained below. A close look at the trichomes will always give you a true idea of the degree of maturity of the trichome and, consequently, the effect that your flowers will tend to produce.

Observing the trichomes of the buds

To apply this system you will need a magnifying glass of at least ten times, although microscopic magnifying glasses of at least 50 times are ideal. If you have a good camera on your phone, a macro photo that you can then enlarge will probably also work. Basically, it is about observing the glandular trichomes of the plants to see if they have reached the optimal point of maturation, which is when they are fully formed and at least half of them have already gone from crystalline in color to an opaque milky color.

 In this image, you can see a majority of milky-colored glandular trichomes, with a few still immature and others already amber in color
 In this image, you can see a majority of milky-colored glandular trichomes, with a few still immature and others already amber in color

As trichomes form and produce and store more and more compounds, their color changes. When the flowers begin to form, you will see that all of them are transparent, even though they already have their stem and head completely formed. As flowering progresses and the plant approaches maturation, this color changes towards milky or whitish; After a few days, and already showing signs of senescence, the trichomes show a beautiful amber color.

Continuing with our example with the Chiquita Banana (8-9 weeks of flowering), we can find that after 50 days the plant already shows some milky trichomes, at 58 days most of them are, and at 65 days many of them have already acquired amber color. This is, without a doubt, the most reliable method of all the systems we have seen to correctly establish the optimal point for harvesting cannabis.

Drying and curing marijuana buds

Today we are going to explain all the necessary steps to correctly carry out the marijuana drying processes and its subsequent curing. If you have been careful when growing, you must be careful during and after harvest, otherwise you risk seeing the quality of your flowers seriously compromised, which would be a shame!

Once we have analyzed all the factors and have decided to cut the plants, we will look for the time of day when the relative humidity is as low as possible to avoid moisture remaining inside the bud and we will proceed to cut the plant. It can be cut whole or by branches, in the way that is most comfortable for us. Then we will proceed to trim the cannabis buds, which consists of cutting the largest leaves of the plant and the leaves without resin, and then we will cut them and put them to dry in a dry, cool, ventilated, and dark place.

Happy harvest!

Comments in “When to harvest marijuana plants?” (47)


Fred 2023-06-27
Ques. To dry do I have todo in a closet or card oard box... I have a levo2 it does 3 things dries then decarbs then infuses mct oil as I can't smoke it .


Weedhound Is an Alchimia client 2023-02-22
How long does it take for cannabis trichomes to change from a milky white to mostly amber? I wish to harvest plants when most of trichomes are amber coloured and had a 7day flush. What colour should trichomes be when I start flushing process?

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2023-03-01
Hi Weedhound, It usually takes 1-2 weeks. Most growers will start the flush period (let's say, a 2-week flush) as soon as they see that most trichomes are losing transparency, with a few trichomes here and there that start to look milky. That is a good moment. Keep in mind that some plants/strains will need more days than others, it's just about testing and knowing your plants. All the best!


Dara 2022-09-15
Thank you for your blog it helps me alot. Started growing some and make a balm with coconut oil I usually use a jar of 500ml of coconut oil but not sure how much bud to add last year I just added 4 storks per jar is this a good enough measure and was wondering if I need to oven dry after I dry them in the garage for 10 days . Thanks Dara

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2022-09-16
Hi Dara, thanks for your comment and kind words, we're really happy that the blog is helping you! The amount of bud you add to the coconut will depend on the effect you want to get. I'm used to making infused coconut oil for ingestion, similar to a tincture, but when it comes to creams and balms for external use, I don't have much experience, but a good place for you to start would be our post on making creams and ointments with CBD, which has a recipe that will work fine whether the weed is CBD-rich, 1:1 or high in THC. In answer to your second question, yes, you should decarboxylate the buds in the oven before infusing the oil with them. Follow the instructions in our article about cannabis decarboxylation and you won't go far wrong! I hope that helps. Best wishes and happy infusing!


Mkc 2022-03-24
Can I post a photo and get some opinions?

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2022-03-25
Hi, thanks for your comment. If you like, you can send a photo for the attention of Tim to info@alchimiaweb.com and I'd be happy to have a look and see if I can help. Best wishes and happy growing!


North40 2021-08-28
So everything I have read I still don’t have a good idea on what stage my plants are at right now …. They are outdoors and I think I’m close to the budding stages ? Hopefully I can send some pictures and get some answers

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2021-08-30
Hi, thanks for your comment and question. You can send photos of anything you're not sure about to info@alchimiaweb.com and one of us will do our best to help you out. If your plants are outdoors in the northern hemisphere, and depending on the genetics you're growing, they are most likely in bloom by now, unless they're strongly sativa-dominant plants. Some Indica varieties will almost be ready for harvest by now too! You'l hopefully be seeing clusters of shite hairs at each node and the tip of each branch. These are the flowers forming. I hope that helps, best wishes and happy growing!


Ryan 2020-09-23
Hi I was wondering if I send you guys some pics of mine could you tell me if it's close to being ready to harvest I want to pull it at the right time thank you very much

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2020-09-24
Hi Ryan, thanks for your comment. Yes, you can send an email with your photos to info@alchimiaweb.com for the attention of Tim, and I'll try and help you out. Al the best!


Justyn 2020-09-07
Can I send you a picture and tell me if I'm ready to harvest. Thank you

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2020-09-08
Hi Justyn, thanks for your comment. First, have a look at our other post on the subject: "When to harvest marijuana plants according to trichome ripeness" and if the photos and information don't answer your question then you can send an email to info@alchimiaweb.com and we'll do our best to help. Happy growing!


CRAZZYB 2020-06-11
I had a question about when to harvest. I can send pic. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2020-06-15
Hi, sure, no problem at all. You can send us a photo to info@alchimiaweb.com and we'll do our best to help you out. Best wishes and happy growing!


Jessica 2018-09-22
Hi guys! Ive been reading ever since we threw a seed in the ground and to our surprise it grew! Once we realized it was female we transferred it to a pot and started doing it right. The plant is huge with a ton of buds and pistils but it seems that each stage has taken 4x longer than it should have. Right now (we had to bring it inside a few weeks ago because this is mid september in northeast Ohio) it has maybe 10% of the pistils darkened but its been in this stage for 8 weeks at least. What am I not doing? I wish I could send pictures! Is this a loss? I noticed today that the top buds have a white mold looking fuzz? I pulled the dead leaves out to try to get a better air flow up there.

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2018-09-24
Hi Jessica, thanks for your question. The pistils themselves aren't much of an indicator of flower maturity. Sure, a load of fresh white pistils mean that the flowers aren't ready yet, but in general we look at the trichomes (the resin heads) themselves to calculate when to harvest. It depends on personal taste, but I tend to harvest my outdoor plants when I see only a few trichomes turning an amber colour and all the rest are milky, with almost none clear/transparent. I'm sure after eight weeks, if you look closely with a magnifying glass you'll see some amber trichomes. As for the mould, I highly recommend removing and disposing of any parts of the plants that have been affected, otherwise it stands a much greater chance of spreading to the rest of the plant and completely ruining the harvest. Removing dead leaves is always a good idea too, not only to increase air circulation but also because dead plant material will be a perfect breeding ground for fungal spores. All the best with the rest of the season, I hope your plant brings you much happiness!


Don Wicker 2018-08-24
I’m in the fifth week of flowering Maui and I’ve been looking for trichomes. Is it common for chomes to be seen on leaves before pistols ? Is something wrong or just a waiting game?

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2018-08-27
Hi Don, yes, you should definitely be seeing trichomes in early flowering, I'd usually expect to see them from very early on. Sometimes they're easier to see on the leaves than the flowers, but it's on the flowers where you'll find the greatest concentration. If it's a real Maui strain, it's a long-flowering plant so it could be that it won't start to develop trichomes till later on, but the case could be that the plant is simply not very resinous. Is this the same plant you've already asked us about in earlier comments? It seems very strange to me that in the fifth week of flower the plant has brown pistils yet hasn't developed trichomes yet. I'm curious, did you source the seeds from a reputable seed bank? Do you know who produced them/did the breeding on them?


Don Wicker 2018-08-21
Thx for the feedback. They have not been pollinated nor do I spray them. I’ve read so many differing opinions that I’m confused. Obviously I want maximum yield and potency but don’t want the buds to prematurely finish flowering. It’s way too early for this Maui strain. What should I continue to look for?


Don Wicker 2018-08-20
I’m growing Maui and they’ve been flowering for only 4 weeks and some of the pistols are already turning red/brown....why are these maturing so quickly? What should I do? I don’t see lots of trichomes yet. I defoiliated a couple of weeks ago to get light to lower buds but may have overdone it. Could this be effecting early maturing?

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2018-08-21
Hi Don, thanks for the question. The pistillate hairs can turn brown for a number of reasons. The most likely reason is that they've been pollinated by some male flower, so have a close check for any signs of intersex/hermaphrodite flower development. Of course, that's not the only possible reason, I've seen pistils turn brown early after foliar spraying Potassium Bicarbonate to help control Powdery Mildew. Other foliar products could have a similar effect too. Have you sprayed anything? It could also be caused by an excess of Potassium in the plant, a fungal problem in the root zone or even an infestation of mites. It's not probable, but you may also find that it's part of the plants' natural flowering cycle, and that they will begin to produce white hairs again, and start a second phase of flowering. I hope that's offered some clues, I'm afraid it's hard to give a proper diagnosis without knowing all the factors involved. All the best and happy growing!


Beth Italia 2017-09-13
Tim, thank you so much for your reply and comments. I think this problem might be from ants as you mentioned. I saw some around where it is growing and they seem to be hanging out a lot over there. I really like the idea of aloe vera juice...will do. And thank you for the info on regrowth. I just love that one plant in particular as it has grown so full and green and beautiful. It has been an interesting learning experience and one I will continue to explore. I do have one more question. This being an experiment was pretty rough. I started back in late January and February. I grew so many seeds in separate cups. I had a few germinate and most nothing. I had lots of seeds to try with. I then placed them under grow light but that didn't help the growing process. I think I over watered them mostly. I had never had issues with growing from seeds before so I thought it strange, they must not like much water. I was about to give up completely but by then it was around end of May. I decided just to use the few seeds I had left by planting them as seeds outdoors. OMG it worked...I mean I planted about 10 seeds and saw nothing for a while till one day I noticed one of those seeds turned into a sweet little plant. I was so excited. It looked really strong and vibrant form the beginning. But the thing is I planted it far from the usual place I can check on daily, so I hadn't even known it was growing for a few weeks. I thought about my experience with the over watering which made me paranoid of how much to water so I decided not to water it at all just to watch it more often to see what it might want. You can't believe this....Ramona California way up high on a mountain top....this thing grew like a weed...haha....I watered it 4 times over the entire summer. It didn't like the water. Every time I watered it , it would turn leaves yellow...4 times was enough to say forget watering...it will be my experiment. But then waiting forever to see if it was boy or girl...studying online to be sure what to look for. Then one magical day she revealed herself unto me. And alas...female she was, and without water she is strong and beautiful. I never actually researched how much water to give, I just wanted to experience this for myself. And she is really amazing and strong and I cannot figure out how she could be so full and vibrant with amazing buds etc...with almost no water. Soon to be harvest time, I am looking forward to that very much. I don't really know the method of this growing process but seems that is a good spot for growing which I will try again next year. Anyway, so I am curious what are your thoughts about watering. Thanks again Tim for taking the time to reply! Happy harvesting to you as well!


Beth Italia 2017-09-10
I am new to this growing process and first time around I have 2 female plants growing outdoors in Southern California. Soon to be approaching harvest time and studying these posts to learn more about when to harvest. Both plants presently are thickening but not yet amber pistils. But one of the plants made me nervous because Its buds and leaves underneath the bigger ones, where there is not so much sunlight started to dry up all on the inner part of plant. The outer part that has much light is green and normal looking. But I am afraid the drying part will move its way up to the green or is this maybe a sign that the outer parts will soon be ready. Just wondering and trying to understand what the plant is saying. Other question...when I complete the harvesting process then does this plant come back to grow again next spring? Should I do something to it while it continues to live outdoors? Or will it die. Okay thanks for your help.

Alchimia Staff

Tim Alchimia 2017-09-12
Hi Beth, thanks for your comment, it's great that you've started your own grow. Outdoors in So Cal, wow, you've got a great climate there! As for your problem plant, well the first thing I'd do is to remove all the dried-up leaves and buds and dispose of them. Without seeing the problem, it's hard to know what the cause might be, it may be some kind of fungus or the effects of an insect parasite or it could be caused by stress due to over or under-watering. If, as you say you're near harvest, probably the best thing to do is keep a close eye on the plant, removing any more dried up leaves as they appear to help to stop the potential spread of the problem. I don't recommend spraying any insecticide or fungicide at this stage in the plants life, so close to harvest, however a irrigating or spraying (or both) with aloe vera juice will help to give a boost to your plants health and may help it fight any infection. At the same time make sure you're not giving too much water, or conversely that the soil hasn't dried out completely. I've found ants nests among the roots to be the cause of more than one sickly plant, so keep an eye out for those little guys too. As for your second question, the plant will most likely die off after harvest! Naturally cannabis pants are annual plants, they are born, grow, flower and die over the course of one year. There are ways to trick the plant into growing again the following year, but it's not going to be easy with an outdoor plant. If plants are in pots, we can do it a lot easier, simply leave a few lower buds and healthy leaves on the plant when you harvest, then take the plant indoors, somewhere sheltered where it won't feel any frosts, and give it a 18/6 light cycle for vegetative growth. This will cause the plant to re-vegetate, slowly changing from the flowering stage back to growing again. The time this takes, and the success of re-vegetating will depend greatly on the genetics you're growing. In my experience, sativa-dominant plants are easier to re-vegetate while indicas can be slower to respond to this change in light period. In any case, I'd recommend starting again next year with new clones or seeds. Re-vegging is a stressful process, not only for the plant, but for the grower too, and the results aren't always ideal so it's only really worthwhile for those very special plants that we absolutely don't want to lose! Happy harvesting!


N. W. 2017-08-06
I hope you will get back with me soon. I am so green at all this!


N. W. 2017-08-05
Also, what exactly are the bunches of white hairs? Lol when I said first time.... That's what I meant!


N. W. 2017-08-05
Hello Dani, I was reading further up and seen something about someone having a Train Wreck plant. I also have a train wreck, and I'm guessing to be a little past halfway through the flowering phase. This is my first time, and I've basically just done it all by ear. But my question is, I don't have just one main stalk, I topped her just a little early, which I think may have caused this, but I have multiple branches, all with very pretty white hairs all up and down each one. Is that normal? It's also producing newer white hairs closer to the bottom now...

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2017-08-07
Hi N.W., First of all, sorry for the late reply, I've been on holidays for some days. If you top any branch of a cannabis plant it'll develop two stems where it had just one. The more you top the plant, the more branches you'll get. It's one of the many techniques used when growing cannabis, especially when using the SCROG method. These white hairs you see are called pistils and are part of the female flower (they catch the pollen released by the males). As the flowering period advances, you'll see how more and more pistils are produced at the same time that flowers get fatter. Pistils will turn orange/brown as the flowering progresses, which is one of the aspects to take into account to know when to harvest cannabis plants. Hope it helped! ;)


Tim 2017-06-23
Your a star put my mind at rest once again thanks


Tim 2017-06-22
Hi Dani got small problem tent still occupied pos a other week but the next tenants are in 3 inch rockwall cubes in a tray there about 7 inches tall,on about 5th node under t5 loads of roots coming out the bottom but they die and more keep coming I keep them moist ,I don't let them get really light but how long can i keep them alive like this gona be least another week should i buy another nft ,to put them in or do you think they will be ok in cube for e while they were expensive beans that's why I'm so worried about them thanks in advance for any help t

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2017-06-23
Hi Tim, As long as your plants are healthy, do not worry about the roots coming out of the rockwool cube and dying. They're just being "naturally trimmed" by the action of light and air. As you say, new roots will keep on growing until they find a nice place to expand. Simply continue watering your plants and transplant them as soon as you can. Best!


Tim 2017-06-19
Thanks man you've helped me a lot now fun time ,x


Tim 2017-06-15
Hi Dani I'm sorry to keep on going on but when changing the light time I must have accidentally pushed one of the little sections on the timer in and about a hour after lights out the one light came on I noticed straight away cause I heard the fan in the light so only on for very short time there in week 9 of flower and are set nearly ready bout 3 quarters white triches one or 2 amber if I look hard but still some like glass the pistals are sort of half and half will this light coming on do anything bad thank you very much for your time tim ,,,,,

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2017-06-19
Hi Tim, I should be seeing your plants to judge, but from what you say (3/4 white 1/4 amber) I would harvest now. Keep in mind that you'll always spot some clear trichs here and there, but if the vast majority is white and some of them amber, it is harvest time! And do not worry about the timer. It should have been on for 30 minutes or so for your plants to detect it was day time. Best!


Tim 2017-06-14
Thanks you realy put my mind to rest about the extra 2 hours dark I thought it would be ok but having someone else say yep that's ok really puts my mind at ease so thanks again Tim ,,,,


Tim 2017-06-13
Do you think I should raise the cubes a little of the bottom of tray so they do air prune or leave them on the surface .this guy said the roots grow back into the cubes and then after so long you get loads of roots coming out the bottom of cubes like little teeth he put it but so much conflicting info on web but I trust what you say oh and thank you very much for previous reply .Sorry bout this but one other thing my plants go off at 9 pm I got some work at moment and coming on at 7 in morn rather then 9 would be a lot easier would they notice if one night they had 2 hours extra dark they are in week 9 of flowering in nft under leds again thank you

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2017-06-14
Hi Tim, I wouldn't raise them, I really don't see the need (especially when you're soon transplanting them). About the two extra hours of darkness, no problem at all mate, go ahead! Hope it helped!


Tim 2017-06-12
Oh I grow in nft

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2017-06-13
Hi Tim, Roots coming out of the rockwool cube will probably dry out and die, although it shouldn’t represent a problem. As long as your plants are properly watered, they’ll keep on growing until you can put them into your nft system. If necessary, you can even prune the roots when transplanting. Hope it helped!


Tim 2017-06-12
Hi there I got pla ts in my grow tent and its full for about a week or 2 .my pro elm is my next crop I to think I started a little earl root riot plugs now there in rockwall 3 inch cubes but they got loads of roots coming out the bottom there gona be nuts in 2 weeks time some guy said prune the roots and they will grow into therockeall and he said your no when there ready cause loads of little roots will come out the bottom that look like little teeth any ideas or help will be great thanks


Tim 2016-10-05
Great! Thanks for your quick reply. On one of the rooted clones, there are no healthy leaves at all. I can plant the entire stem--will I ever see anything coming from it? Should the soil I use be the same as planting a seed or should I plant it in soil that has nutes? After I plant the roots in the soil, how wet should I keep the soil? I am just learning and in the future hope to use the normal technique for cloning. Thanks so much for your help.

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-10-06
Hi Tim, I assume the rooted clone with no lower leaves has the apex intact. If that's the case, plant the whole stem and you'll probably see your cutting growing in a few days. About the soil: it all depends whether you're using liquid nutrients or not. If you're not using liquid nutes, add some solid organic nutrients or get a soil rich in nutrients. Once planted, the soil for your clones should be wet but not soaking. Cannabis will die in dry soil, but it doesn't like too much watering. Here you have an article on how to water cannabis plants. All the best!


Tim 2016-10-05
I have a couple clones rooting in water that now have roots on them. One of them has lots of roots but the leaves have died. What will happen when I plant the roots? Also, how long should the roots be before I plant them in soil/perlite? Thanks!

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-10-05
Hi Tim, I don't like rooting in water, the few times that i've tried I've found more problems than with the normal technique. As soon as the roots are about 1 inch long you should transplant them so they can grow properly. Keep in mind that roots HATE light! If the lower leaves have died, remove them and try to put the whole stem into the soil when you transplant, so only the healthy leaves are visible. In this way, more roots will be created were you had the leaves that died. Hope it helped!


Luis Aguirre 2016-10-04
I need a straight answer. When my Trichomes are milky white may I harvest?

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-10-05
Hi Luis, Usually, we harvest when we see around 30% amber trichomes. Still, if you want a more cerebral effect, harvesting with white trichomes is perfect. It all depends on the strain you're growing and the desired effect once dried. Hope it helped!


Robert 2016-09-24
Is it a good idea to run a dehumidifier in your dry room ? If any body can help with this question it would appreciated thanks...

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-10-03
Hi Robert, Many farmers use dehumidifiers in their drying room, no problem at all. Just remember a couple of things: most dehumidifiers produce heat, what can be a problem depending on room temperatures. Also, try not to dry your plants too fast; they should be properly dried in about 15 days from harvest, then you can start the curing process. Hope it helped!


JonDoe 2016-09-22
Hi Ive been growing cannabis for a few years now and a lot of my tops on outdoor buds seem to be maturing a lot faster this year is it too early to pull even though I see about 25% ambers or should I go ahead an pull tops an let bottom mature more. Strains are Skywalker og and harlequin.... Thanks all the best.

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-09-23
Hi JonDoe, No problem about harvesting the tops and letting the lower parts mature, many growers harvest their outdoor plants like that. All the best!


Onceuponatime 2016-09-19
I'm a first time outdoor grower in Colorado and have three beautiful lemonhead plants that have gorgeous buds on them and now I'm watching the trichomes to see when to harvest. After reading through these posts, it does make sense that not all the buds will mature at once so my question is, when harvesting the tops of the plants, do you just cut off the top part of the plant that has matured and leave the bottom to mature further? Do I need to do anything to the cut portion of the plant that remains in the ground to seal or protect it? Thanks for all the great information!

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-09-22
Hi Onceuponatime, Normally, large plants are gradually harvested as buds ripe, no problem about it at all. Just cutt off the ripe tops and leave the remaining branches to mature. Hope it helped!


windcatcher 2016-09-05
i'v been growing outside in Colo. or years , and I noticed seed pods on two plants, i see it as future growth, I have heard that once the seed matures the strength of the buzz weakens. i have been smokin pot for 48 years, in the olddays there were always seeds. the batch that seeded was tranplanted from indoor grown seedlings planted in mid may,the've been outside since 8/1 in green houses, they are 8 ftrs & in the first stage of juicing up as i call it (trichomes).

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-09-12
Hi windcatcher, While I've smoked delicious seeded buds during the years, normally both potency and taste weakens in seeded plants. Instead of focusing on producing terpenes and cannabinoids, the plant produces seeds. That's why the "sinsemilla technique" was developed, to achieve the best possible quality on all aspects. From what you say you did everything correctly, so I guess these two plants have hermaphrodite traits. The problem here is that these plants may pollinate your whole crop, so removing them would be ideal. If you can't, try to remove the pollen sacks manually. Hope it helped!


Ian Duffus 2016-09-04
Hi i am a total novice when it comes to growing bud. I live over in England and have been growing a couple of plants outdoors for a few months now, all seemed fine untill closer inspection revealed that both my plants have started to produce seed pods. I was sure they were female as I have seen male plants before and these look nothing like them. I am guessing I now have hermi's but all this info about removing bananas and pods is really confusing and sounds like a lot of work thats not guaranteed to work so my quest is.. are ny plants ok to be left and will the bud thats on there be alright to smoke??? many thanks to you all?

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-09-12
Hi Ian, If a cannabis plant develops both male and female flowers it is called an hermaphrodite. It may happen that a female develops a few bananas, which may be fertile or not. If they're fertile, they'll release pollen and pollinate the female flowers, which will start to develop seed. A few fertile pollen sacks can pollinate a whole plant, that's why people normally remove them. Still, it can be a hard task with poor results, and most times the plants develop lots of seeds. If your plant is already developing seeds it means that it was pollinated a few days/weeks ago, so your buds will have some seeds in them. Seeded buds are smokeable, but less tasty and potent than sinsemilla buds. In the future, always keep an eye on your plants when they start developing buds. If I have to grow just a couple of plants, I'll germinate 4-5 and wait until they start flowering. Pretty soon I'll be able to determine which ones are the best two plants (nice structure, no hermaphrodite traits, etc), which will be kept until harvest. I just get rid of the others or give them to some friend. Hope it helped!


Tim 2016-07-30
Oh, the plant is in its 5th week of veg. Thanks!

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-08-01
Hi Tim, You can take a cutting from the main stem by simply cutting the top of the plant. In this way, you'll promote side branching and more clones will be ready in a few days. If you could send a picture of your plants at info@alchimiaweb.com it will be easier to help you! ;) All the best!


Tim 2016-07-30
A plant in vegetative state is not producing nodes in order to clone it. Is there any other way to clone without sufficient number of nodes? All leaves and sub-leaves are attached to the stem itself. The nodes are at the intersection of the fan leaf stem and the main stem. Thanks for your help.


Tim 2016-07-19
Thank you Dani!!!! You may hear from me again. [smile] Tim

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-07-20
Hi Tim, A pleasure!!! ;)


Tim 2016-07-18
I purchased some train wreck in Colorado,found 4 seeds in the container and planted 3 of them,2 plants seem to be the same in hight and one is shorter and bushy,am into week 5 of flowering, one tall one and the bushy one have tricomes since week 2 they other nothing yet, is this natural?

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-07-19
Hi Tim, Yes, it is natural. What you are observing is phenotypic diversity. Not all plants grow the same way even if they come from the same parents, and each of them expresses a certain phenotype, a certain group of traits (growth pattern, bud production, resin production, vegetative vigour, etc.). That is why selections are made, there are always better individuals than others, so people keep the best one as mother plant. The more stabilised the strain, the more common traits you'll observe among your plants. Hope it helped!


Jane 2016-05-19
This is my second grow, only 4 plants, waiting for a little more Amber color in the thingys. Very close. One plant that happens to be in a smaller pot, has new growth on top. Have I waited too long? Help please.

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-05-23
Hi Jane, Some strains begin to re-flower at the end of their bloom stage. This can be due to late harvest, although in some cases it is normal. They will produce few more bud (usually foxtails) that will be ready in some days. Nothing to worry about. ;) All the best!


Brian 2016-03-20
I look and look but I can not tell or see the trichomes changing color from clear to milky I cut one plant down and it was a complete waste now it's my second go around and it's time to start looking for ripening can any one help me please O a bit more about my grow it's a blue dream and the 8 week flowering period is just about here right now I am at the end of week 7 indoor grow flowering with t8 fluorescents I will cheek back every day to see if any one can help m out

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2016-03-22
Hi Brian, Sometimes, seed banks are a bit too optimist with harvesting dates. It could be possible that, while they say 8 weeks, your plants take 9 or 10 weeks to ripe (harvest dates are always approximate). I've never used fluorescents to bloom (always HPS), so I don't know if perhaps they could delay ripening a few days. You can put your plants under a 10-14 photoperiod (10 daily hours of light) for the last 2 weeks to accelerate ripening. Also, try to check the trichomes of different parts of your plants. Normally, and unless they are really small, plants don't ripe their buds at the same time, so perhaps your tops are ripe while the lower buds need some extra days. Hope it helped!


Danielle 2015-10-21
I was ready to harvest one of my plants today, but notice that a lot of the branches are putting out new growth, bright green, with buds forming that have the white "hairs" -- the rest of the plant is ready -- what do I do?

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2015-10-22
Hi Danielle, I guess your plant is outside. Some strains are known for constantly developing new hairs and buds (Matanuska Tundra,...), even when the plant trichomes are ripe. If your plant has not suffered any kind of light stress lately, do not trust the hairs and check the trichomes, they will tell you if your buds are really ripe or not. Oftenly, growers harvest their plants when almost all trichomes are turning from milky to amber colour. Also, it is common practice to harvest only the parts of the plant that are ripe, and leave the rest until it is mature enough. Hope it helped, Best vibes!


Mark 2015-10-18
Hi I was just seeing if you could help me out, I have a plant (my 1st one ever) an people keep saying it ready or it's not. As its my 1st time I was seeing if I sent a photo could you help??

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2015-10-19
Hi Mark, Seeing a picture would definitely help, although it also can be difficult to tell unless you can send us a picture of the trichomes. If you have any kind of magnifier - approximately from 40x - you can actually see the colour of the trichomes. The more amber the colour, the more ripe the gland. Most people harvest their plants when almost all trichomes are turning from milky colour to slightly amber. If you see clear trichomes with your magnifier, or basically only white pistils with the naked eye, then it means your plant needs few days/weeks to finish. All the best! p.s. You can send your picture at fotos@alchimiaweb.com


Flexy 2015-10-18
If you snap a branch by accident, prop it up and use medical sticky tape (the sticky tape that's also used for bandages) and carefully fix the branch in its original position with the tape. There are two outcomes: You can save the branch and it will entirely heal in one or two weeks...or the damage was too big so the branch won't heal and it will die in a few days. I just snapped a branch by accident last week, it almost ripped off from the main stem...I immediately fixed it like I described and the branch and the buds on it etc. look fine.

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2015-10-19
Hi Flexy, Fortunately, cannabis is a plant that recovers very fast when properly treated. You can also splint the branch with plastic strips and use some healing agent for plants if necessary. Also, and for he first days, you can spray the top of the branch to hydrate the foliar mass (again, if necessary). Thanks for your comment, Best vibes!


jake vandagriff 2015-09-18
Is curing and drying buds the same for in door and out door

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2015-09-21
Hi jake, Yes, it is done in the same exact way. You can use drying racks to save space. Best vibes!


Al Hiller 2015-09-16
I'm 69 years old, and have had over 50 seasons, and harvests indoor and outdoor in my life. Sometimes several harvest the same year with indoor and outdoor gardens. I have been looking at trichomes to decide ripeness before harvest since 1978. I have rarely, which is to say, almost never seen plants, especially outdoors in northern California get ripe all at once. The average plant ripens over a week or longer period, and only those branches that are "ripe" ie. ready by looking at the trichomes, should be taken on a given day. If the entire plant is harvested when some of the big obvious branches are ripe, then up to 70% or more of the plant is being harvest before it's time when the entire plant is taken at once. You are losing overall quality of your product, and reducing the average strength of your buds. The boutique harvesting branch by branch as they are ready is the only way to get the absolute strongest buds from your harvest start to finish.

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2015-09-17
Hi Al, I absolutely agree with you, harvesting the whole plant at once is the best way to have lots of non-ripe buds, especially when growing outdoors. Thanks for your comment, All the best!


Deano 2015-09-14
I'm on day 60 of flowering gs kush og , and had a little accident , I snapped a heavy budded branch of by accident, , I'm still kinda new to this, any advice on what could happen to my plant, look forward to your replys

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2015-09-16
Hi Deano, You should fix the snapped branch by using some kind of stick attached to it. Also, you can try to use a healing agent for plants. The leaves of the snapped branch will indicate you if it is healing or not: If - after 2-3 days - they seem dead, then the branch is dead, so just cut it and dry it as if it was ripe. All the best!


ester 2015-08-31
once you cut some of the branches off for harvest can we then keep the rest of the plant and put it back into veg state until we can harvest her again? Just wondering if it'll work by giving it more nitrogen and changing back to 18-6 light schedule

Alchimia Staff

Dani Alchimia 2015-09-01
Hi ester, What you say is called revevgetation or replanting, and it is something that many growers do when they find a nice female but they have no clones of it. You just let it finish its flowering, cut almost all branches except a couple of small shoots on the lower part of the plant, change the photoperiod to 18/6 and start giving it more Nitrogen. In some days you'll see new leaves growing curved and with strange shape; in 2-3 weeks your plant should start growing normally again. Best vibes!


jeffrey mudd 2014-08-06
i would love to buy seeds from you guys. i live in western,Ky. please give me a call anytime. @ 270 879 3586. or email. thanks. btw i think you guys are some of the best out there. keep up the good work...jeffrey.

Alchimia Staff

VapoMan 2014-08-25
Hi Jeffrey! Unfortunately we currently don't deliver to the USA. We are based in Spain, at this time we are unable to deliver because of logistical reasons, but this may change in the future. Thank you for your support and for your words :)

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This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

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