AROMED is one of the most popular vaporizers for its medicinal or therapeutic uses, since its vaporization system and materials have been chosen to achieve high purity.
With a range of temperatures between 60°C and 235°C, AROMED vaporizer is suitable for the vaporization of all types of weeds, aslo when using resins or liquid essences (using foam or volcano's metal screens for fluids or liquids). This makes it good for all types of aromatic therapies, for example, an aromatic air freshener for a closed space.
It is a very easy to use system and has a water filter that retains suspended particulate matter and dust, in addition to hydrating and cooling the vapor, decreasing throat irritation that may occur.
Operation is simple: once AROMED's bowl is loaded and the bulb inserted in it and plugged, wait for the screen to turn into stand-by mode. Then press the red button to turn on the heating system, and the + / - buttons to select the desired temperature.
The recommended temperature for marijuana is between 180ºC and 205ºC, but if you want to get a higher vapor density, you can set it a little higher, as this vaporizer doesn't burn even at 235°C. The same can be said for resins.
After selecting the temperature, we can see how the light from the bulb increases its intensity, reaching the temperature chosen in the bowl. During this process, a red dot will remain static at the top left of the screen, and will blink when it reaches the selected temperature.
Then you can begin to inhale through the tube coming from the small Aromed's bubbler.
Features of AROMED Vaporizer:
- Heater: halogen bulb.
- Temperature range: 60-235 º C.
- Materials: Stainless steel and borosilicate.
- Neutral silicone inhaling tube.