AlchimiaWeb is pleased to present our two new fully organic kits, specifically designed to keep plants healthy and pest-free at all stages of cultivation, whether during growth or flowering.
These sets have been carefully crafted to minimize risk and ensure that you can harvest high-quality, pest-free plants.
Indoor Bio Growth Preventive Kit
Prot-Eco Oidioprot: This soluble powder is a powerful tool to combat powdery mildew in all its forms. It contains extracts of selected microorganisms, protein, and marine extract. It acts by direct contact on powdery mildew, helping to control their proliferation.
Koppert Horiver Yellow Sheets: These yellow sheets are effective against a variety of common pests in indoor cannabis cultivation such as aphids, leaf miner flies, whitefly, thrips, black fly, cherry and olive flies. The traps should be strategically placed in areas of highest risk of infestation, such as entrances or near vents. For small plants, it is recommended to place the plates 30cm above the plant apex, while for taller plants, they should be located at the tip level.
Trabe Amino CCK: This product is specially formulated to combat a wide range of soft-shelled insects such as spider mites, whiteflies, thrips, and aphids. It is recommended to apply it to the entire plant, making sure to cover the underside and back of the leaves.
Indoor Bio Growth Preventive Kit elements:
Indoor Bio Growth Preventive Kit dosage:
- Prot-Eco Oidioprot: 5g per L of water (foliar application)
- Koppert Horiver yellow sheets: Apply in areas of greatest risk of infestation
- Trabe Amino CCK: 8ml per L of water (foliar application)
Indoor Bio Bloom Preventive Kit
Oidioprot also is included in this kit since powdery mildew is one of the main causes of infection in indoor cultivation. The plants are usually closer to each other with less air circulation. In addition to Oidioprot by Prot-Eco, the powerful Pyrethroid Insecticide by Trabe is also included in this set.
Trabe Pyrethroid Insecticide: It is a broad-spectrum product designed to combat various pests that affect cannabis cultivation, such as caterpillars, whitefly, thrips, aphids, bedbugs, mealybugs, and leaf miners. Its active component, cypermethrin, is widely used in horticulture, making it effective also on edible flower cultivation such as hot peppers.
Indoor Bio Bloom Preventive Kit elements:
- PROTEC Oidioprot 50g
- TRABE Pyrethroid Insecticide
Indoor Bio Bloom Preventive Kit dosage:
- Prot-Eco Oidioprot: 5g per L of water (foliar application)
- Trabe Pyrethroid Insecticide: 2.5ml per L of water (foliar application)