Alchimia presents Aptus K-Boost, an organic-mineral booster that acts on potassium deficiencies stimulating the flower maturation. Potassium also improves the flower structure, obtaining more compact buds and more abundant and higher quality harvests. This product is now available in our cannabis cultivation products and nutrients catalogue.
Potassium is essential to provide a successful flowering during cannabis cultivation. It is an element that helps to stimulate the flowers maturation thus providing more abundant yields. It is therefore necessary to apply a supply of this element in adequate dosage to provide a good flowering and maturation.
Aptus K-Boost usage
K-Boost helps to compensate for possible potassium deficiencies during cannabis cultivation, providing this essential element for a healthy flowering and consequently an abundant harvest.
K-Boost is highly bioavailable, completely water-soluble and residue-free. This product provides potassium (K) as well as amino acids and sulphur trioxide (SO3), together reinforcing the quality and quantity of the harvest by stimulating buds maturation.
Aptus K-Boost info:
- Potassium K
- Amino acids
- Sulphur trioxide (SO3)
- NKS: 5-15-25