Trabe present Humushemp, a 100% organic liquid worm compost concentrate whose primary function is as a natural root stimulator but whose use also leads to increased yields and many further benefits to the cannabis cultivator.
Humushemp helps to grow strong and vigorous plants, increasing the resistance to pests and disease and acting in a similar way to enzymes by creating a healthy and vibrant rootzone.
As well as delivering a healthy dose of beneficial microorganisms, Humushemp has high concentrations of fulvic, humic and ulmic acids and contains all the macro & micro-nutrients essential for vigorous plant growth.
Humushemp acts to optimise nutrient uptake and helps to create a balanced living soil, the ideal environment for the proliferation of the beneficial bacteria and fungi vital for fighting pathogens and breaking down residual vegetable matter and making it available to the plant.
As well as promoting stronger root development and boosting microbial growth, Humushemp increases chlorophyll production in the leaves, improves water retention and prevents the build up of mineral salts in the soil, balances pH in acid soils and reduces EC in salty soil.
In the fight against pests, beyond strengthening the plant's immune system, Humushemp acts to reduces the activity of sap-sucking insects such as aphids and potentiates the effect of many insecticides and fungicides.
Simple and convenient to use, just dissolve 10-15ml of Humushemp per litre of water and apply in irrigation or as a foliar spray.
Trabe Humushemp composition:
- Fulvic acids: 6.1 pp
- Humic acid: 3.3 pp
- Calcium: 2.2 pp
- Copper 2.9 ddm
- Total nitrogen: 0.9 ddm
- Zinc: 305 ppm
- Humidity: 97.8
- pH: 7