Philosopher Seeds, passionate about cannabis

Marijuana seeds by Alchimia

Philosopher Seeds is a cannabis seedbank located in Vilamalla, north Catalonia, born from the love for cannabis growing and which offers its customers unique marijuana varieties, different from the classic and more commercial strains found on the market.

But, what makes these guys so special?

Philosopher Seeds strains come from selections made by growers and friends of the seedbank, guided by curiosity and passion for this plant. Thus, all genetics have been selected for their unique features, which made this group of growers to fall in love with them.

Philosopher Seeds

In this way, through a hard process of selection and always seeking for the perfect cannabis strain, each breeder has achieved elite clones from each variety according to his own criteria, which have been later shared with the rest of the team to test their quality. Thus, we can say this group of breeders offer their favourite varieties to everyone interested in their work.

In short, Philosopher Seeds means marijuana seeds, but also love, passion, curiosity and hard work, with tons of fellowship and good vibes.

Birth of Philosopher Seeds

The idea of creating a seedbank comes from the Alchimia Grow Shop, when back in 2008 David and a good friend of the Grow Shop, Txus, decided to start crossing their favourite genetics to offer them as feminised seeds in the shop, simply to share their experience with these strains with all customers and friends.

This is the period in which the legendary Easy Haze / K13-Haze (Yumbolt x Western Winds, awarded with the 3rd prize in the Resin category at 2011 Cannabis Champions Cup) and Philo Skunk / Gokunk (Somango x Mazar) were born as the first strains developed by Alchimia. Both strains had a warm welcome by growers, the Easy Haze / K13-Haze with its incensed and tropical notes and psychedelic effect and the Philo Skunk / Gokunk with sweet and skunky flavours and relaxing effect. Thus, David and Txus were encouraged to proceed with their project.

Easy Haze / K13 Haze bud

Over time, some of Alchimia's closest friends also shared their best genetics, thus creating the Early Maroc (a very fast flowering strain that is ready to harvest by mid August), Yumbolt, Amnesika (Super Silver Haze x G13 Haze) or White Afghan (Afghani x White Widow), which were also very well accepted by Alchimia's clients and friends.

At this point, they decided to create Philosopher Seeds, a seedbank which gathered all this breeding works to share them with more and more people.

Amnesika 2.0

During 2010, the Tropimango strain entered Philosopher's catalog, a unique variety with fruity and sweet taste and beautiful bushy structure. Several strains were then created from Tropimango, such as Black Bomb, Heaven's Fruit and Sweet Love. These genetics were the first Test Line seeds ever developed by the seedbank, being oficially presented in Philosopher's catalog in 2011 and 2012.

The bank already had a solid catalog and an own website, so they began a collaboration with the breeding team from Reggae Seeds, who used some of their most special and flavourful genetics to develop hybrids with Philosoper's strains, thus offering sweet, sugary and fruity organoleptic features in these new breeding projects. Also, the new and improved version of Amnesika was created, the Amnesika 2.0 strain , a lot more stable than the first version.

In 2013, Philosopher Seeds welcomed a new member for the breeding team, a specialist in autoflowering varieties who developed three 7th-generation feminised and automatic strains for Philosopher: Cheesy Auto, Fraggle Skunk Auto and White Yoda, top quality autoflowering varieties that completed Philsopher's catalog.

Where is Philosopher Seeds heading?

Philosopher Seeds in Alchimia

Today, in 2015, Philosopher Seeds continues to gather and breed cannabis genetics from around the world, developing new varieties with the same spirit that created the seedbank: developing new, unique and easy to grow marijuana varieties that please all growers and cannabis passionates.

You can meet Philosopher Seeds in many cannabis events such as Spannabis or Expogrow , as well as in international fairs in South America or Italy, always struggling to offer their finest breeding works.

They constantly try to improve their strains with strict quality controls and germination tests to ensure the best possible quality and freshness of the seeds. They also perform cannabinoid analysis of all their strains, for example to choose the correct parents for developing CBD varieties.

Packing seeds

We should remind that Philosopher's team is still working on its Regular Line, focused on the development of regular varieties for lovers of selections and classic genetics who want to find the perfect phenotype in their growing tents .

Finally, we want to remind you that - both here and in Philosopher Seeds Blog - you can find lots of information and growing diaries on Philo's genetics, so you can get the most out of your seeds.

Philosopher Seeds was created to share strains, passion, experience and good vibes...are you down?

2015-08-24 News and Events

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About this Cannabis Blog

This is the official blog of Alchimia Grow Shop. This blog is intended exclusively for the use of adults over the age of 18 years.

To buy equipment for growing cannabis at home you can consult our catalogue of cannabis seeds, grow shop and paraphernalia

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